# Collada Exporter for Second Life - Blender Addon
# - Export static mesh objects to Collada (.dae), including images assigned to
# the active UV layer. Tested with Firestorm Viewer for Second Life.
# - Requires python collada module https://github.com/pycollada/pycollada
# - Pycollada is not part of official Blender, so must be installed into
# Blender's folder (eg. Blender/2.78/scripts/modules)
# Version: 0.1
# Revised: 12.05.2017
# Author: Miki (Meshlogic)
bl_info = {
"name": "Collada Exporter SL",
"author": "Miki (Meshlogic)",
"category": "Import-Export",
"description": "Export static mesh objects to Collada (.dae), including images assigned to the active UV layer. Tested with Firestorm Viewer for Second Life.",
"location": "File > Export",
"version": (0, 1),
"blender": (2, 78, 0)
import bpy
import bpy_extras.io_utils as io_utils
import bmesh
import os
import re
import time
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from bpy.props import *
from bpy.types import Menu, Operator, Panel, UIList
from collada import *
# ColladaExporter OPERATOR
class ColladaExporter_OT(Operator, io_utils.ExportHelper):
bl_idname = "export_mesh.collada_sl"
bl_label = "Export Collada for SL"
bl_description = "Export selected static mesh objects to Collada"
bl_options = {'PRESET'}
#--- Collada file extension
filename_ext = ".dae"
#--- Material props
use_mat_color = BoolProperty(
name = "Use Material Colors",
description = "Use material diffuse color if no UV image included",
default = True)
use_uv_image = BoolProperty(
name = "Include UV Images",
description = "Include images assigned to the active UV layer",
default = True)
use_relative_path = BoolProperty(
name = "Relative Path",
description = "Use relative or absolute path for images",
default = True)
copy_images = BoolProperty(
name = "Copy Images",
description = "Copy images to subdir in the export folder",
default = False)
#--- Mesh props
apply_modifiers = BoolProperty(
name = "Apply Modifiers (View)",
description = "Apply modifiers (view mode)",
default = True)
triangulate = BoolProperty(
name = "Triangulate",
description = "Triangulate mesh faces for export",
default = True)
round_values = BoolProperty(
name = "Round Values",
description = "Round values (vertex and normal coords) to given decimal places",
default = False)
round_decimals = IntProperty(
name = "Decimals",
description = "Round values (vertex and normal coords) to given decimal places",
min = 3, max = 9,
default = 6)
#--- Draw properties in export dialog
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label("Material Image Options:", icon='TEXTURE')
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "use_mat_color")
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "use_uv_image")
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "use_relative_path")
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "copy_images")
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label("Mesh Options:", icon='MESH_DATA')
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "apply_modifiers")
row = box.row()
row.prop(self, "triangulate")
row = box.row(True)
row.prop(self, "round_values")
row.prop(self, "round_decimals")
#--- Execute file export
def execute(self, context):
# Properties as a dictionary (incl. selected filepath from file dialog)
kwargs = self.as_keywords()
# Init ColladaExporter object and execute export
collada_ex = ColladaExporter(context, **kwargs)
info = collada_ex.export()
self.report({'INFO'}, info)
return {'FINISHED'}
# Misc Functions
# Convert list/tuple items to string separated by sep
def list2str(items, sep):
return sep.join(map(str, items))
class ColladaExporter:
def __init__(self, context, **kwargs):
# Collada file export path
self.export_path = kwargs["filepath"]
self.export_dir = os.path.dirname(self.export_path)
# Directory of this blend file
self.source_dir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
# Export options
self.use_mat_color = kwargs["use_mat_color"]
self.use_uv_image = kwargs["use_uv_image"]
self.use_relative_path = kwargs["use_relative_path"]
self.copy_images = kwargs["copy_images"]
self.apply_modifiers = kwargs["apply_modifiers"]
self.triangulate = kwargs["triangulate"]
self.round_values = kwargs["round_values"]
self.round_decimals = kwargs["round_decimals"]
# Init Collada object for export
self.collada = Collada(validate_output=True)
self.scene_nodes = []
# Collada Asset Info
self.collada.assetInfo.upaxis = 'Z_UP'
self.collada.assetInfo.unitname = "meter"
self.collada.assetInfo.unitmeter = 1.0
cont = asset.Contributor(
"Blender %s" % list2str(bpy.app.version, "."),
"Addon: %s %s" % (bl_info["name"], list2str(bl_info["version"], ".")),
"Applly Modifiers: %s, Triangulate: %s" % (self.apply_modifiers, self.triangulate),
def export(self):
#--- Exit edit mode before exporting
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
#--- Measure script execution time
start_time = time.time()
#--- Export all selected objects
for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
#--- Finish scene nodes
c_scene = scene.Scene("Scene", self.scene_nodes)
self.collada.scene = c_scene
#--- Write Collada to file
#--- Sort XML to fix upload to SL
#--- Print and return info text
info = "%d objects saved to '%s' (%.3fsec)" %\
(len(bpy.context.selected_objects), self.export_path, time.time()-start_time)
return info
# - Add image to collada.images and return the CImage object
# - Copy image to a subdir in the export dir if desired
def add_collada_image(self, img):
#--- Add image to collada.images
if img.name not in self.collada.images:
#--- Copy image to a subdir in the export dir
if self.copy_images:
# Image source path and basename
img_sourcepath = bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)
img_basename = bpy.path.basename(img_sourcepath)
# Copy image to subdir in export dir
export_filename = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(self.export_path)
subdir = export_filename + "_textures"
img_destpath = os.path.join(self.export_dir, subdir, img_basename)
copy_set = {(img_sourcepath, img_destpath)}
# Relative path to the copied image
path = io_utils.path_reference(img_destpath, self.source_dir, self.export_dir, 'RELATIVE')
#--- Reference image where it is
if self.use_relative_path:
path_mode = 'RELATIVE'
path_mode = 'ABSOLUTE'
path = io_utils.path_reference(img.filepath, self.source_dir, self.export_dir, path_mode)
#--- Create and add CImage object
c_img = material.CImage(img.name, path)
#--- Image already added to collada.images
c_img = self.collada.images[img.name]
return c_img
# - Add this material in case of empty or no material slot
def add_collada_voidmat(self, name):
# Collada material effect
c_effect = material.Effect(name +"-effect", [], 'phong',
diffuse = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0),
ambient = (0.25,0.25,0.25,1.0),
specular = (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0),
shininess = 50.0)
# Collada material
c_mat = material.Material(name +"-material", name, c_effect)
return scene.MaterialNode(name +"-material", c_mat, inputs=[])
# - Add object materials to collada.materials and collada.effects
def add_collada_materials(self, obj, me):
material_nodes = []
#--- Get active uv map layer and texture
uvlayer = me.uv_layers.active
if uvlayer:
uvtex = me.uv_textures[uvlayer.name]
# [1] No material slot - Add void material
if len(me.materials) == 0:
c_matnode = self.add_collada_voidmat(self.idname(obj.name) +"_voidmat_0")
return material_nodes
# [2] Go trough all slots in object materials
for i, mat in enumerate(me.materials):
#--- Empty material slot - Add void material
if mat == None:
c_matnode = self.add_collada_voidmat(self.idname(obj.name) +"_voidmat_"+ str(i))
#--- Look for uv image assigned to the given material and uv face
img = None
if self.use_uv_image and uvlayer:
for f in me.polygons:
if f.material_index == i:
img = uvtex.data[f.index].image # Get image assigned to the uv face
c_img = self.add_collada_image(img) # Add image to collada images
#--- Include image map in the material effect
if img:
c_surface = material.Surface(img.name +"-surface", c_img, format=None)
c_sampler = material.Sampler2D(img.name +"-sampler", c_surface)
params_list = [c_sampler, c_surface]
inputs_list = [(uvlayer.name, 'TEXCOORD', '0')]
diffuse_map = material.Map(c_sampler, uvlayer.name)
#--- No image map for the material effect
params_list = []
inputs_list = []
diffuse_color = list(mat.diffuse_color) + [1.0]
diffuse_map = np.around(diffuse_color,6) if self.use_mat_color else (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
#--- Add material effect to collada.effects
c_name = self.idname(obj.name) +"_"+ self.idname(mat.name)
c_effect = material.Effect(c_name +"-effect", params_list, 'phong',
diffuse = diffuse_map,
ambient = (.25,.25,.25,1.0),
specular = (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0),
shininess = 50.0)
#--- Add material to collada.materials
c_mat = material.Material(c_name +"-material", c_name, c_effect)
c_matnode = scene.MaterialNode(c_name +"-material", c_mat, inputs=inputs_list)
#--- Return scene.MaterialNode for each material
return material_nodes
# IDNAME - Format name strings for Collada ids
def idname(self, str):
return re.sub("\.", "", str) # Remove any dot in the string
def export_object(self, obj):
cs = bpy.context.scene
# Prepare object's mesh data (me)
# Create mesh for export & apply modifiers if desired
me = obj.to_mesh(cs, self.apply_modifiers, 'PREVIEW')
# Triangulate mesh if desired
if self.triangulate:
bm = bmesh.new()
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
# Material & effect nodes for each object's material
material_nodes = self.add_collada_materials(obj, me)
# Source list for vertex coords
verts_srcid = self.idname(obj.name) + "-verts"
verts_co = np.array([co for v in me.vertices for co in v.co])
if self.round_values:
verts_co = np.round(verts_co, self.round_decimals)
verts_src = source.FloatSource(verts_srcid, verts_co, ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
# Source list for normals
normals_srcid = self.idname(obj.name) + "-normals"
normals = []
for f in me.polygons:
# Smooth shaded face - use vertex normals
if f.use_smooth:
for v_id in f.vertices:
v = me.vertices[v_id]
# Flat shaded face - use face normal for each polygon vert
for v_id in f.vertices:
normals = np.array(normals)
if self.round_values:
normals = np.round(normals, self.round_decimals)
normals_src = source.FloatSource(normals_srcid, normals, ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
sources = [verts_src, normals_src]
# Source list for the active UV map texture coords
uvlayer = me.uv_layers.active
if uvlayer:
tex_srcid = self.idname(obj.name) + "-tex-" + uvlayer.name
tex_uv = []
for f in me.polygons:
for loop_id in range(f.loop_start, f.loop_start + f.loop_total):
tex_uv.extend([x for x in uvlayer.data[loop_id].uv])
tex_uv = np.array(tex_uv)
if self.round_values:
tex_uv = np.round(tex_uv, self.round_decimals)
tex_src = source.FloatSource(tex_srcid, tex_uv, ('S', 'T'))
# Geometry node for this object incl. source lists
c_geom = geometry.Geometry(self.collada, self.idname(obj.name)+"-geom", self.idname(obj.name), sources)
# Create Polylist for each material
for i, matnode in enumerate(material_nodes):
#--- Input list to define data binding to the source lists
inlist = source.InputList()
inlist.addInput(0, 'VERTEX', '#'+verts_srcid)
inlist.addInput(1, 'NORMAL', '#'+normals_srcid)
if uvlayer:
inlist.addInput(1, 'TEXCOORD', '#'+tex_srcid, set=0)
#--- List of indicies to the source lists for each face f, for each vert v
indices = []
vcounts = []
n_id = 0
for f in me.polygons:
if f.material_index == i:
for v_id in f.vertices:
indices.extend([v_id, n_id])
n_id += 1
for v_id in f.vertices:
n_id += 1
#--- Bind polylist with existing material node
material_id = matnode.symbol
#--- Append polylist to geometry
c_poly = c_geom.createPolylist(np.array(indices), np.array(vcounts), inlist, material_id)
# Create scene node for this object
c_geom_node = scene.GeometryNode(c_geom, material_nodes)
#--- Object transformation matrix
matrix = np.array(obj.matrix_world).flatten()
if self.round_values:
matrix = np.round(matrix, self.round_decimals)
c_matrix = scene.MatrixTransform(matrix)
#--- Scene node
c_node = scene.Node(self.idname(obj.name), children=[c_matrix, c_geom_node])
#--- Clean up mesh used for export
# Sort XML nodes to fix Second Life upload
# - With the default sorting, SL fails to upload textures
# - newparam/surface node must be before newparam/sampler2D for each effect
def sortxml(self):
#--- Load Collada XML file
tree = ET.parse(self.export_path)
root = tree.getroot()
# Collada namespace
ns = {'ns':'http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema'}
# Get node tag without namespace
gettag = lambda node : re.sub("{.*}", "", node.tag)
# Re-order root nodes
root_order = [
root[:] = sorted(root, key = lambda root : root_order.index(gettag(root)))
# Reverse sort of effect nodes newparam/surface and newparam/sampler2D
for effect in root.findall('.//ns:effect/ns:profile_COMMON', ns):
# Find and remove newparam nodes from the tree
newparam = effect.findall("ns:newparam", ns)
for item in newparam:
# Insert sorted newparam nodes
# <surface> node must be before <sampler2D>, thus reverse order
newparam = sorted(newparam, key = lambda newparam : newparam.get('sid'), reverse=True)
for i, item in enumerate(newparam):
effect.insert(i, newparam[i])
#--- Write XML to file
spath = os.path.splitext(self.export_path)
#tree.write(spath[0] +"_sortxml"+ spath[1])
def menu_export(self, context):
self.layout.operator(ColladaExporter_OT.bl_idname, text="Collada for SL (.dae)")
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":