Outliner Tweaks - Blender Addon


Outliner itself can display all objects, but they can't be sorted into folders.

I think many Blender users would agree that organizing objects into layers is not a strong side of Blender. The concept of 20 unnamed layers is very unfortunate and easily tends to chaos in your files. Even when opening my own file, I always have to go through all the unnamed layers to see what objects are on which layer.

Moreover, there is the Outliner panel, which rather brings more confusion than help with organizing your objects. Well, you can see there a list of all objects, but you are unable to organize them into folders to bring some order into your scene. Besides, when you select some objects in the outliner, you don't see them in the viewport, because it collides with the layer visibility.

Later, I discovered there is the Groups options to display grouped objects, but again, it's implemented in a very unintuitive way. When you switch to Groups, you see only the existing groups and cannot create new groups. To make it even more confusing, it doesn't show objects that has no group assigned yet, so you can't select them and assign them to the new group.

So, my conclusion always was that the Outliner is just a confusing part of Blender and I never used it. But recently, I got really annoyed with the chaos in my Blender files, and tried to script some tweaks that would make Outliner more useful.

How it works?


Outliner and menu of the Outliner Tweaks.

The idea behind the addon is to introduce two auxiliary groups and commands that work on them. It adds a little icon in the corner of the Outliner menu and introduces some commands with hotkeys.

Auxiliary Groups
  • #DEFAULT_GROUP - This group collects all objects that are not grouped yet. So, you can finally see all ungrouped objects in the Outliner, even when the Outliner is set to display groups only. To update the #DEFAULT_GROUP group press U when your mouse is in the Outliner.
  • #NEW_GROUP - This group enables to add selected objects into a new group from Outliner. Press N and the #NEW_GROUP is created. Then, you can rename this group as you wish.
Update Default Group (U)
  • Group all unsorted objects (add them to the #DEFAULT_GROUP).
  • Clean the #DEFAULT_GROUP from the objects that already belong to other groups.
Add to New Group (N)
  • Add selected objects to the #NEW_GROUP.
  • Remove them from all other groups.
Remove from Groups (R)
  • Remove selected objects from all groups.
  • Add them to the DEFAULT_GROUP.
Expand/Collapse One Level (E)
  • Toggle Expand/Collapse one level for all items.
Isolate Selection (Q)
  • Isolate (display) the selected objects in the 3D viewport and make sure the right layers are enabled.
  • Enable visibility and render for the selected objects.
  • Restrict visibility and render for all other objects.


I think this addon finally makes Outliner usable. You can manage all objects and groups directly from the Outliner without the need to switch between panels. Also, you can finally display all the selected objects in the 3D viewport and don't need to bother with the 20 unnamed layers anymore.

I know there are plans to improve the layer management system in the milestone Blender 2.8. But I didn't want to wait, because I guess it will take lots of time yet, before we have a stable and bug-free version of Blender 2.8.


Version 0.1 (02.01.2018)
  • Initial release


blender-addons/outliner-tweaks/0.1/OutlinerTweaks.py (Source)

#                      Outliner Tweaks - Addon for Blender
# Auxiliary Groups
# - #DEFAULT_GROUP - to collect ungrouped objects
# Commands:
# - Update Default Group (U)
# - Add to New Group (N)
# - Remove from Groups (R)
# - Expand/Collapse One Level (E)
# - Isolate Selection (Q)
# Version: 0.1
# Revised: 2.1.2018
# Author: Miki (meshlogic)
bl_info = {
    "name": "Outliner Tweaks",
    "author": "Miki (meshlogic)",
    "category": "3D View",
    "description": "Make organizing objects and groups in Outliner easier.",
    "location": "Outliner > Header",
    "version": (0, 1),
    "blender": (2, 79, 0)

import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from bpy.types import Menu, Operator, Panel, UIList

#--- Set default groups names

#--- Print debug msg into console
DEBUG = False
def dprint(*msg):
    if DEBUG: print(*msg)

def activate_all_layers():
    for i in range(20):
        bpy.context.scene.layers[i] = True

def cache_layers():
    layer_cache = [False]*20
    for i in range(20):
        layer_cache[i] = bpy.context.scene.layers[i]
    return layer_cache

def restore_layers(layer_cache):
    for (i, state) in enumerate(layer_cache):
        bpy.context.scene.layers[i] = state

# IsolateSelection_OT
class IsolateSelection_OT(Operator):
    """Isolate the selected objects in the 3D viewport
    - 1. Enable visibility and render for the selected objects
    - 2. Restrict visibility and render for all other objects
    - 3. Make visible only the layers of the selected objects"""

    bl_idname = "outliner.isolate_selection"
    bl_label = "Isolate Selection"

    #--- Available only in object mode
    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'OBJECT'

    def execute(self, context):
        dprint("\n*** outliner.isolate_selection ***")

        #--- All layers must be active (you cannot get selected_objects on inactive layers)
        layer_mask = [False]*20

        #--- Loop all objects
        for obj in bpy.data.objects:

            # 1. Make selected objects visible
            if obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:

                # Add object's layer to the mask
                layer_mask = [a or b for a,b in zip(obj.layers, layer_mask)]

                obj.hide = False
                obj.hide_render = False

            # 2. Hide all other objects
                obj.hide = True
                obj.hide_render = True

        #--- 3. Make visible only the layers of the selected objects


# ExpandCollapse_OT
class ExpandCollapse_OT(Operator):
    """Toggle Expand/Collapse one level for all items"""

    bl_idname = "outliner.expand_collapse_one_level"
    bl_label = "Expand/Collapse One Level"

    toggle_expand = BoolProperty(default = False)

    #--- Available only in object mode
    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'OBJECT'

    def execute(self, context):

        # Collapse all items
        for i in range(5):

        # Toggle expand
        if not self.toggle_expand:

        self.toggle_expand = not self.toggle_expand


# UpdateDefaultGroup_OT
class UpdateDefaultGroup_OT(Operator):
    """Update Default Group
    - 1. Group all unsorted objects (add them to the DEFAULT_GROUP)
    - 2. Clean the DEFAULT_GROUP from the objects that already belong to other groups"""

    bl_idname = "outliner.update_default_group"
    bl_label = "Update Default Group"

    #--- Available only in object mode
    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'OBJECT'

    def execute(self, context):
        dprint("\n*** outliner.update_default_group ***")

        #--- Create DEFAULT_GROUP if it doesn't exist yet
        if DEFAULT_GROUP not in bpy.data.groups:
            bpy.ops.group.create(name = DEFAULT_GROUP)

        #--- Loop all objects
        for obj in bpy.data.objects:

            # Get names of all groups the obj belongs to
            obj_groups = [g.name for g in obj.users_group]

            # 1. Add ungrouped object to DEFAULT_GROUP
            if len(obj_groups) == 0:
                dprint(" ", obj.name, "added to", DEFAULT_GROUP)

            # 2. Remove grouped obj from DEFAULT_GROUP
            elif len(obj.users_group) > 1 and DEFAULT_GROUP in obj_groups:
                dprint(" ", obj.name, "removed from", DEFAULT_GROUP)


# AddToNewGroup_OT
class AddToNew_OT(Operator):
    """Add to New Group
    - 1. Add selected objects to the NEW_GROUP
    - 2. Remove them from all other groups"""

    bl_idname = "outliner.add_to_new_group"
    bl_label = "Add to New Group"

    #--- Available only in object mode
    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'OBJECT'

    def execute(self, context):
        dprint("\n*** outliner.add_to_new_group ***")

        #--- All layers must be active (you cannot get selected_objects on inactive layers)
        layer_cache = cache_layers()

        #--- Create NEW_GROUP, if it doesn't exist yet
        if NEW_GROUP not in bpy.data.groups:
            bpy.ops.group.create(name = NEW_GROUP)

        #--- Loop the selected objects
        for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:

            # 2. Remove from all groups
            for group in obj.users_group:
                dprint(" ", obj.name, "removed from", group.name)

            # 1. Add obj to the NEW_GROUP
            dprint(" ", obj.name, "added to", NEW_GROUP)

        #--- Restore layers visibility


# RemoveFromGroups_OT
class RemoveFromGroups_OT(Operator):
    """Remove from Groups
    - 1. Remove selected objects from all groups
    - 2. Add them to the DEFAULT_GROUP"""

    bl_idname = "outliner.remove_from_groups"
    bl_label = "Remove from Groups"

    #--- Available only in object mode
    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'OBJECT'

    def execute(self, context):
        dprint("\n*** outliner.remove_from_groups ***")

        #--- All layers must be active (you cannot get selected_objects on inactive layers)
        layer_cache = cache_layers()

        #--- Loop the selected objects
        for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:

            # 1. Remove obj from all groups
            for group in obj.users_group:
                dprint(" ", obj.name, "removed from", group.name)

            # 2. Add obj to DEFAULT_GROUP
            dprint(" ", obj.name, "added to", DEFAULT_GROUP)

        #--- Restore layers visibility


def draw_menu(self, context):
    layout = self.layout
    layout.menu("OutlinerTweaksMenu", icon='COLLAPSEMENU', text="")

class OutlinerTweaksMenu(Menu):
    bl_idname = "OutlinerTweaksMenu"
    bl_label = ""

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        layout.operator("outliner.isolate_selection", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF')
        layout.operator("outliner.expand_collapse_one_level", icon='OOPS')

        layout.operator("outliner.remove_from_groups", icon='X')
        layout.operator("outliner.add_to_new_group", icon='GROUP')
        layout.operator("outliner.update_default_group", icon='FILE_REFRESH')

addon_keymaps = []

def register_keymaps():
    wm = bpy.context.window_manager

    km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Outliner", space_type="OUTLINER")
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new("outliner.isolate_selection", "Q", "PRESS", shift=False)
    addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

    km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Outliner", space_type="OUTLINER")
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new("outliner.expand_collapse_one_level", "E", "PRESS", shift=False)
    addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

    km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Outliner", space_type="OUTLINER")
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new("outliner.update_default_group", "U", "PRESS", shift=False)
    addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

    km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Outliner", space_type="OUTLINER")
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new("outliner.add_to_new_group", "N", "PRESS", shift=False)
    addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

    km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Outliner", space_type="OUTLINER")
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new("outliner.remove_from_groups", "R", "PRESS", shift=False)
    addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

def unregister_keymaps():
    for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":


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