Toggle Object Wire - Blender Addon
This addon makes toggling of object wire and subsurf modifiers really quick. You can select to toggle all objects in the scene or selected objects only. You can use two dedicated buttons in the Info panel, Shading section or key shortcuts.
- It assigns two new shortcuts:
- Toggle object wire \
- Toggle object subsurf modifiers shift + \
Note: The used key \ (which is located between Shift and Z key on English keyboards) is named GRLESS in Blender's keymap.
- Version 0.1 (29.03.2017)
- Initial release (made for Blender 2.78)
blender-addons/toggle-object-wire/0.1/ (Source)
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#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Toggle Object Wire - Addon for Blender # Version: 0.1 # Revised: 29.03.2017 # Author: Miki (Meshlogic) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bl_info = { "name": "Toggle Object Wire", "author": "Meshlogic", "category": "3D View", "description": "Toggle object's wire display or subsurf modifiers for all objects or for the selection only. Shortcuts: wire (\), subsurf (shift+\).", "location": "3D View > Info Panel > Shading", "version": (0, 1), "blender": (2, 78, 0) } import bpy from bpy.props import * from bpy.types import Menu, Operator, Panel, UIList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ToggleObjectWire_OT #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToggleObjectWire_OT(Operator): bl_idname = "object.toggle_wire" bl_label = "Toggle Object Wire" bl_description = "Toggle object(s) wire display" def execute(self, context): cs = context.scene cs_props = cs.toggle_object_wire #--- Toggle all objects or the selected objects only if cs_props.all_objects: obj_list = else: obj_list = context.selected_objects #--- Only one object selected - toggle according the object's state if len(obj_list) == 1: obj = obj_list[0] if obj and obj.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT', 'META', 'SURFACE'}: cs_props.toggle_wire = not obj.show_wire #--- Multiple objects selected - toggle according the previous operator state elif len(obj_list) > 1: cs_props.toggle_wire = not cs_props.toggle_wire #--- Execute toggling! for obj in obj_list: if obj and obj.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT', 'META', 'SURFACE'}: obj.show_all_edges = True obj.show_wire = cs_props.toggle_wire # Optimal display for subsurf mod for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod and mod.type == 'SUBSURF': mod.show_only_control_edges = cs_props.optimal_display return{'FINISHED'} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ToggleSubsurf_OT #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToggleSubsurf_OT(Operator): bl_idname = "object.toggle_subsurf" bl_label = "Toggle Object Subsurf" bl_description = "Toggle object(s) subsurf modifiers" def execute(self, context): cs = context.scene cs_props = cs.toggle_object_wire #--- Toggle all objects or the selected objects only if cs_props.all_objects: obj_list = else: obj_list = context.selected_objects #--- Only one object selected - toggle according the object's modifier state if len(obj_list) == 1: obj = obj_list[0] # Find state of an existing subsurf mod if obj and obj.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT', 'META', 'SURFACE'}: for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod and mod.type == 'SUBSURF': cs_props.toggle_subsurf = not mod.show_viewport break #--- Multiple objects selected - toggle according the previous operator state elif len(obj_list) > 1: cs_props.toggle_subsurf = not cs_props.toggle_subsurf #--- Execute toggling! for obj in obj_list: if obj and obj.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT', 'META', 'SURFACE'}: for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod and mod.type == 'SUBSURF': mod.show_only_control_edges = cs_props.optimal_display mod.show_viewport = cs_props.toggle_subsurf return{'FINISHED'} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_optimal_display # - Optimal Display on/off for all subsurf modifiers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_optimal_display(self, context): cs = context.scene cs_props = cs.toggle_object_wire obj_list = for obj in obj_list: if obj and obj.type in {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT', 'META', 'SURFACE'}: for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod and mod.type == 'SUBSURF': mod.show_only_control_edges = cs_props.optimal_display #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD THIS TO THE INFO PANEL (VIEW3D_PT_view3d_shading) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def toggle_object_wire_panel(self, context): cs = context.scene cs_props = cs.toggle_object_wire layout = self.layout #layout.separator() col = layout.column(True) col.operator("object.toggle_wire", icon='WIRE') col.operator("object.toggle_subsurf", icon='MOD_SUBSURF') row = layout.row(True) row.prop(cs_props, "all_objects") row.prop(cs_props, "optimal_display") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CUSTOM SCENE PROPS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToggleObjectWire_Props(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): all_objects = BoolProperty( name = "All Objects", description = "Toggle wire and subsurf modifiers for all objects", default = True) optimal_display = BoolProperty( name = "Optimal Display", description = "Optimal display for subsurf modifiers", default = True, update = update_optimal_display) # Keep operator's toggle state toggle_wire = BoolProperty(default=False) toggle_subsurf = BoolProperty(default=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REGISTER/UNREGISTER ADDON CLASSES #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addon_keymaps = [] def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.Scene.toggle_object_wire = PointerProperty(type=ToggleObjectWire_Props) bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_view3d_shading.append(toggle_object_wire_panel) # Add custom shortcuts ('GRLESS' = backslash '\') wm = bpy.context.window_manager km ='Object Mode', space_type='EMPTY') kmi ="object.toggle_wire", type='GRLESS', value='PRESS', ctrl=False, shift=False) kmi ="object.toggle_subsurf", type='GRLESS', value='PRESS', ctrl=False, shift=True) addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi)) def unregister(): # Remove custom shortcuts for km, kmi in addon_keymaps: km.keymap_items.remove(kmi) addon_keymaps.clear() bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) del bpy.types.Scene.toggle_object_wire bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_view3d_shading.remove(toggle_object_wire_panel) if __name__ == "__main__": register() |
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