Blender Themes
My custom themes for Blender, I have been tuning since I started to learn Blender. To install a Blender theme, just go to the User Preferences - Themes. The actual xml files are stored in the user's folder like ../Blender/2.79/scripts/presets/interface_theme
Miki-Grey-Flat Theme
- Modifications to the default Blender theme:
- Flat buttons with thin grey borders.
- All toggle and radio buttons are blue highlighted when selected.
- Light grey background for script editor.
- Download here: miki-flat.xml
Miki-Bluetone Theme
- Modifications to the default Blender theme:
- More subtle gradients for control elements.
- Blue toned text boxes.
- Dark blue background for script editor inspired by Monokai/Solarized themes.
- Download here: miki-bluetone.xml