Install Nikola on Windows 10

Thanks to the fact Nikola site generator is written in Python scripting language, it should run on any major operating system. The installation process might vary depending on the system though. Here, I'm going to share how I've managed to install Nikola on Windows 10.

  1. Nikola is powered by Python, so first you need to make sure Python is installed on your computer.

  2. To install Nikola, you will need a command-line console. Even though the default Windows console (cmd) should be perfectly suitable, I recommend to get ConEmu, because it's configurable, feature-rich and looks much better.

  3. The best way to install Nikola is to use pip in a virtualenv. So, open console in admin mode at desired path and install virtualenv.

    $ py -m pip install virtualenv
    $ virtualenv nikola
    $ cd nikola
  4. Download packages lxml and Pillow compiled for Windows and for your installed version of Python. Copy them into nikola folder and install them using pip. I downloaded the packages here.

    $ pip install lxml-3.6.1-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
    $ pip install Pillow-3.3.0-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
  5. Finally, install Nikola with "extras" option.

    $ pip install --upgrade "Nikola[extras]"
  6. Now, you should have Nikola installed and ready to use. You can get all available commands by typing nikola help.

    $ nikola help
    Nikola is a tool to create static websites and blogs. For full documentation and more information,
    please visit
    Available commands:
      nikola auto                 builds and serves a site; automatically detects site changes
      nikola bootswatch_theme     given a swatch name from and a parent theme, creates a custom theme
      nikola build                run tasks
      nikola check                check links and files in the generated site
      nikola clean                clean action / remove targets
      nikola console              start an interactive Python console with access to your site
      nikola deploy               deploy the site
      nikola doit_auto            automatically execute tasks when a dependency changes
      nikola dumpdb               dump dependency DB
      nikola forget               clear successful run status from internal DB
      nikola github_deploy        deploy the site to GitHub Pages
      nikola help                 show help
      nikola ignore               ignore task (skip) on subsequent runs
      nikola import_wordpress     import a WordPress dump
      nikola info                 show info about a task
      nikola init                 create a Nikola site in the specified folder
      nikola install_theme        install theme into current site
      nikola list                 list tasks from dodo file
      nikola new_page             create a new page in the site
      nikola new_post             create a new blog post or site page
      nikola orphans              list all orphans
      nikola plugin               manage plugins
      nikola reset-dep            recompute and save the state of file dependencies without executing actions
      nikola rst2html             compile reStructuredText to HTML files
      nikola serve                start the test webserver
      nikola status               display site status
      nikola strace               use strace to list file_deps and targets
      nikola tabcompletion        generate script for tab-completion
      nikola theme                manage themes
      nikola version              print the Nikola version number
      nikola help                 show help / reference
      nikola help <command>       show command usage
      nikola help <task-name>     show task usage
  7. To test if Nikola works as intended, you can create a demo site by few commands and display it in your browser.

    $ nikola init --demo              # Create and init a demo site
    $ cd demo
    $ nikola build                    # Build - generate the output
    $ nikola serve -a -b    # Display the site in your default browser


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